Friday, October 14, 2011

Todd's Travels

The first of this month, Todd took another mission trip.
I was excited for him! He was going somewhere I have been, and I was excited to hear how he liked the ROCKY MOUNTAINS!
He wasn't impressed!
There just wasn't enough 'green' around to make Todd enjoy it!
He loves grass and foliage!
But he always loves sharing the GOSPEL!
The destination was Salt Lake City.
(with a stop over in Denver)
One of the men waiting to be 'beamed up'???
Some of the men who went.......
The purpose??
To share the Gospel with a lost and dying world.
They took a tour of the museums there....
...gaining more insight to who they were there to witness to....
Jesus died for the sins of every person ever born or will be born on this earth.
Jesus shedding His blood on the cross, being buried for 3 days, raising from the dead, and now sitting at the right hand of His Father, THE GOSPEL!
There were crowds of people to share the Gospel with.
The men sang, preached, passed out tracts, held verse signs, and engaged in conversations about JESUS.
Exhausted group waiting to catch a flight home.
Mark 16:15
And he said unto them,
Go ye into all the world,
and preach the gospel to every creature.

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